How Can Salmon Farming Help to Save the Environment?

Salmon are one of the healthiest types of fish available. Full of Omega 3 fatty acids, this fish helps to protect the health of the heart. Since salmon consumption has grown exponentially over the years, the methods of catching wild salmon have become more and more invasive to the ecosystem of the ocean. When adverse effects began being noticed in the ecosystem, an initiative was started to help raise salmon in a more efficient and healthier manner. With farmed salmon producers, salmon have become a sustainable food source that does not cause harm to the environment.

Salmon farming began in the 1960s and slowly made its way to Norway in the 80s. Today, around 60% of the world’s salmon is produced on farms. In the past, the main countries farming salmon were Scotland, Chile, Canada, and Norway. Today, more and more countries are rising to the challenge of producing salmon on farms. This not only ensures a steady and renewable supply of salmon, it also ensures damage is not done by the large fishing boats and the methods they use to catch large amounts of fish.

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There are three years in each cycle of salmon farming. The first year, the farm uses fresh water and a controlled environment. Once the farmed salmon have grown to a certain size, they are transported to saltwater cages. They are fed and grow to a certain size where they are ready to be harvested and prepared for sale. The vast majority of all farmed salmon is sold as salmon fillets. With the government encouraging people to consume more fresh fish, this has been an economical and eco-friendly option for supplying the world with an ample salmon supply.

Farmed salmon provide people with a high level of protein which is crucial for a healthy diet. Salmon is much more efficient in providing energy and good health than chicken and pork. With global farmed salmon producers, the world now has a better option for its fish supply without causing any disruption to wild salmon and their population or the population of the many species in the ocean. This is now considered one of the best methods of sustainable protein production.

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